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Need flash memory for Whirlpool AWE 2214,i repleaced MC9S08AV60CFUE controller

Respect for colleagues from Russia .....Does anyone in possession of a flash for that machine .... after replacing the controller MC9S08AV60ČFUE needed me program, i have programm for EEPROM ... greetings from Serbia and thanks....I mistakenly wrote that is resolved .... sorry
Задан 15 января 2017

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Ответы 2
Dear colleague, if I have correctly understood a question, you are interested in what way you can write down flash. It isn't enough to you to have a programmer for EEPROM. You need USBDM.
Or the question is in the other?
Maybe you need to dump to write down. Ask more specifically.
Для рускоговорящих поясню. спросил че ему надо вообще))
dear colleague..ja have 5 types of proframmers for controllers including USBDM .... I need a flash microcontrollers, which have placed new, because the old was damaged in UO port......i repair washing machine 26 yeras...i am not new in this job :)...i write programme in ST Renesas ATmega PIC...microcontrollers.... - @munja2 15 января 2017
15 января 2017

munja2 , ... пиши по сербски )
Хоћу брате мој.....Имам код мене у радионици 5 врста програматора међу којима и УСБДМ програматор.....Потребан ми је садржај флеш меморије из микроконтролера,садржај ЕЕПРОМа имам....поздрав мојој руској браћи - @munja2 15 января 2017
15 января 2017
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