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Whirlpool AWE MC9S08AC128 Memory Dump USBDM

Currently I have mc9s08ac128 microcontroller. What I'm trying to is to get full memory dump via USBDM, however with no luck. I've been searching the internet for exact memory addresses which should be read. I've tried many different cases but nothing seems to work.

My workflow looks like this:

I reset mc9s08ac128 microcontroller to stock with my other programmer.
I read some of the memory addresses with USBDM.
Then I write the memory addresses back to the microcontroller.
But when I try out the microcontroller, it's not working. Reading and writing proccesses work, I don't get any errors.

So my question is: What exact memory addresses should read so that I would be able to flash it back after reading?
Polpot1917 21 marca
Задан 21 марта 2019

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something like this
21 марта 2019
"Paged" in "Memory Options" and "Keep Empty SRECs" is tru Page Register Address = 78
Thanks, work :) - @arktos995 21 марта 2019
21 марта 2019
Hello! You must read, only this address. See foto
1080 to 17ff and
182c to ffff - @Zima1975 21 марта 2019
Zima1975, не для той модели процессора Ваши адреса! Не торопитесь - читайте внимательно вопрос. - @To5oL 21 марта 2019
21 марта 2019
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